Woody Fox

Other sculptures

Giant Snail

Willow sculpture of a giant snail

This Giant Snail is 5 foot high and made with various colours of willow and finally varnished to give that slimey feel!

Floating bye

Willow sculpture of floating structure for floating bye

I was asked by North Devon Hospices to create a structure to go on a floating raft that would be covered in flowers with messages to the recently passed away as part of their annual commeration . So I created a two coloured round/conical structure of brown willow and then[…]

Chelsea Flower Show 2016

Willow sculpture of screens at chelsea flower show

This year for Culm garden nursery i created two screens that were stylised interlocking leaves with a simple flower in each centre plus there were two badgers peering from the beautiful planting and to top it off there was a heron.Needless to say, the whole stand recieved another GOLD award!

White Tree Stag

Willow sculpture of a white stag

This Stag was created for an exhibition at Lacock Abbey, Wiltshire. Its made of white willow and has Ivy antlers, blue glass eys and silver hooves made of cans.

Giant walking carrot

Willow sculpture of giant walking carrot man

This giant walking carrot figure was made to exhibit at the National trust’s Knightshayes organic gardens . (It was placed just where the carrots had been sown) It was 7 foot high and was made of Flander’s red willow with green felt ‘hair’.

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